Telephone conversation between the two sides of a coin – NaPo Day 14

~ ‘Spring spraypaint’, digital collage done by me, Mirjana M., April 2024 ~

*late for the prompt, but inspired is as inspired does. NaPoWriMo Day 14 prompt was to : Today’s (optional) prompt asks you to write a poem of at least ten lines in which each line begins with the same word (e.g., “Because,” “Forget,” “Not,” “If”). This technique of beginning multiple lines with the same word or phrase is called anaphora, and has long been used to give poems a driving rhythm and/or a sense of puzzlebox mystery.

I do not know if this classifies as a prose poem, but it is what it personally reminds me of. Painting and doing art still comes easier to be inspired by daily, than writing, so today’s offering is a digital artwork, which I made and which was from a practical side, practicing minimalism. I am not the best at it.

Telephone conversation between the two sides of a coin

When you say the nightingale sings so it can resist looking back and losing you forever to Hell – is when I say is all of every Orphic hymn lamenting what it’s yet to kill.
When you say stardom dreams of the water while asleep in human eyes – is when I say the ocean dies its thousand deaths without a single memory of a fish.
When you say the reed playfully discloses all its shrill to fall – is when I say the reed is cold and scared, shaking from it, as it drowns.
When you say the darkness at the head of the road is not the Moon’s – is when I say but is it ours?
When you say one must imagine Sisyphus happy – is when I say I don’t imagine Sisyphus; too heavy is the crown the headless wear.
When you say the somethings all chirp to grant the heart its deepest wish – is when I say the nothings eat through bone, through flesh, through thin air, without a shush, or a quake or a tremble and don’t care
if we are there.

Thank you for reading ❤

Tell me something

About Me

I don’t mind the sun sometimes,
the images it shows,
I can taste you on my lips
and feel you in my clothes.
Cinnamon and sugary
and softly spoken lies,
you never know just how you look
through other people’s eyes


Colour me in Cayenne & Chlorine Poetry Collection
Suburban Witchcraft Magazine
Colour me in Cyanide and Cherries Poetry Collection

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