Opening the window before supper – NaPo Day 16

~ ‘ Window’, by Christine Davis ~

*unfashionably late for the NaPoWriMo Day 16 prompt, but still arrived! The prompt was : “Today, we challenge you to write a poem in which you closely describe an object or place, and then end with a much more abstract line that doesn’t seemingly have anything to do with that object or place, but which, of course, really does.”

The prompt was productive for me, because it inspired me to finish a work in progress poem for my ‘Dark Divinities’ chapbook, but also to write the below piece, inspired by April weather we are experiencing currently and which personally suits me best – the all-sun high-temperature being encroached by gray clouds ready to disperse some cooling spring-rain. One of the complaints I often share-in with my friends is that cooking while it is too hot outside makes it feel more tedious and less enjoyable and it was nice to cook refreshed by the breeze.

Opening the window before supper

The April afternoon dissolves over the tiles,
bringing in a soft spring cool dripping from the golden hour,
the sun all teary-eyed, playing skip-rope with the branches
of the birch trees, ruffling through the chestnuts
shedding their youth onto the muddy flower beds,
like it never heard about the curb, arms awash
with all the green that it could carry and toying
with streetlights like they are empty, glass cages
and fluttering like a moth when it meets a face;
no chatter or rumors, all creaking and laughter,
a distant dream of the sea that burned to dust
and now, rests upon the sill as the day burns away,
telling the sky-fires what we did with it, dancing
on the riled-up engine’s flurry.
Always season your chicken with rosemary.

  • to me, in the story of everyday cooking, chicken is happily married to rosemary, and they live a prosperous, ever-fresh dream in lemon juice – you can disagree with me and offer wisdom of your own. Whenever someone asks me for advice on how to make their chicken taste better, this is what I recommend and have not heard any feedback that it did not work as intended.

Thank you for reading ❤

Tell me something

About Me

I don’t mind the sun sometimes,
the images it shows,
I can taste you on my lips
and feel you in my clothes.
Cinnamon and sugary
and softly spoken lies,
you never know just how you look
through other people’s eyes


Colour me in Cayenne & Chlorine Poetry Collection
Suburban Witchcraft Magazine
Colour me in Cyanide and Cherries Poetry Collection

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