Being night


*Image found HERE

Being night

Behold, ebony wings –
transfusing their hush before the
beauty of dribbling death.

I think there should be a new Haiku subcategory invented after me, called Mo’ku, a short for ‘Morbid Haiku”

Writen for Heeding Haiku With HA at Mindlovemisery’s Menagerie

26 responses to “Being night”

    1. I agree! I will see if I can expand the idea 😀

  1. Ah! Beautiful. So glad you linked up today, Oloriel. 🙂

    1. Thank you for hosting the event and giving a theme I can feel included in 🙂

    1. Thanks, feel frite to write some and show me 😀

  2. To što osećaš da te golica po vratu jeste kosa, ali nije tvoja, dušo moja.

    (shvatio sam da je nemoguće prevesti)
    (dobar izazov)

    1. U ovakvim formama, original uvek caruje 🙂

  3. Ah…a mo’ku sounds interesting…as was this haiku! Beautifully done!

  4. Perfect little morsel matched wonderfully with the image. Although I must say, the images you manage to fish out here and there are really lovely, but your own images are the best. I hope to see more of them! :0)

    1. I know! Lately I have so little time to take photos + the weather is beautifully rainy, but not for my husbands camera. Mine is broken and I don’t wana break his too, especially seeing its a professional camera that costs a fortune and he needs it :/

      1. Aw, you totally need another camera. You’ve got a gift with expression and I think you’re just as talented with your photos and editing as you are with your writing. Tell that husband of yours to get you a new one. 😉

  5. Great image and the words are perfect!

    1. Thank you, I am very glad you liked it 🙂

  6. Rekoh ja da si vila! Hvala ti, dobra vilo! 🙂

  7. I love morbid 🙂 just beautiful…

    1. Thank you! If you ever write a Moku, I’d love to see it 😀

    1. 😀 Glad you like it, and the idea, and if you ever write one, I’d love to see it 😀

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About Me

I don’t mind the sun sometimes,
the images it shows,
I can taste you on my lips
and feel you in my clothes.
Cinnamon and sugary
and softly spoken lies,
you never know just how you look
through other people’s eyes


Colour me in Cayenne & Chlorine Poetry Collection
Suburban Witchcraft Magazine
Colour me in Cyanide and Cherries Poetry Collection

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