Dining of the Hungry and the Full


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Dining of the Hungry and the Full

The serpent
wears our clothes
and sheds the skin
to mend the symptoms
of the euthanasia,
droplets fresh and moist –
a sea of prickling salt
gives a place to drowse in
as the envenomed chrysalis
metamorphoses and sews
a threnody of pain
for a daisy plucked in confusion;
I have slept through
the un-seaming
of the Sun
into a nocturno,
waiting for Lady Justice to weight me
like a leaf of Autumn.
Asking the veins romancing the flesh
What is the bruto
of the honeycomb
behind the lung?
When your ribcage is my prison
and I rattle the bars
in Morse code;
a seeming improvement
of my previous self
that was an armless mime.

I have you
and I have you not,
like a game
of peons under masks
and self-inflicted scars,
like blades pointed upwards
on our palms
to balance words we speak
and screech out verdicts;
This heart,
this organ that if pricked
would make mess and chaos
and would cut down a tree
just to be named
with something that is true,
just to be stitched with a golden thread
and rot prettier under earth –
would be this in a verse
as much as it would be in this room
yet we would all
laugh with the clown,
blind in our idolatry
of Fortuna,
yearning to be that pastel
that chalks the sky
for the eyes first time opened
and waiting to melt down
right into someone’s throat.

So I am confined
into chambers –
and so I am demurred
to a single sheet of paper,
a single silent note
of a violinist
who stopped the orchestra
just to whisper to the gluttonous theater
of the weariness of the tune;
so I am but a frog leg
on the bottom of the Circe’s cauldron
brewed and served to hands
that do not yet know
how to adore the dying.
But, most importantly,
I am that love letter,
stuffed into your bellybutton
while you slumbered,
that won’t be stamped
and sent and read
until there is no more blood in me
and I am but the husk
of what was rumored
to be Love.

34 responses to “Dining of the Hungry and the Full”

    1. Hvala Goste! 🙂 Sad josh da prevedem da ispadne bash kao sto sam htela da kazem!

  1. Orgasmic for the rich and vivid language, a feast for the senses. I have missed your poetry superb!

    1. Thank you, I am very glad you have found it to be like that 😀
      And I have missed writing, believe me 😀

      1. I know you have you are made to write =)

  2. Oh yeah! Awesome!

    1. Thank you, glad you liked it! 🙂

  3. We are all the husks of
    “what was rumoured to be Love”
    … just didn’t realise it …
    until now.

    1. I was kinda hoping we could all realise it when we are physicaly dead,but don’t know if even that would hurt less:/

      1. was reading it – hmm – slightly differently.
        But … good point.
        And, not sure what is going on
        I am “following your blog, but your posts do not always show in my reader.
        Keep smiling.

      2. Argh, I have no idea why does that keep happening 😦 Unfollowing and following back should work, if not, then I was told the “Follow via e-mail” works without problems and does not bug whenever it feels like it.

  4. Kao tekst za muziku za soundtrack za neki film Larsa von Trira, na mracno, na momente hladno (moj dozivljaj).

    1. Hvala Dule, moram ti priznati da mi je poredjenje bash prijalo 😀

      1. drago mi je da jeste, ja sam bas tako nekako doziveo, ai izbor reci je fenomenalan, a poredjenje je malo “skakljivo” 🙂

  5. Your imagery – Oh your imagery – wow – so human and real yet unearthly from heaven and hell all woven together so neatly and sensually to be tangible to the mind and soul.

    My favourite part

    ‘and so I am demurred
    to a single sheet of paper,
    a single silent note
    of a violinist
    who stopped the orchestra
    just to whisper to the gluttonous theater
    of the weariness of the tune;’


    1. Thank you, I am very happy you enjoyed reading and especially that you liked that image 😀

      1. It is indeed very beautiful. Your writing is always poignant. 😀

  6. Reblogged this on The Ethereal Abyss and commented:
    When I read this, feel this, the breath is cut out of me. Carved. Then, like a poetic surgeon, I am healed again. Beautiful!

    1. Thank you very much for the reblog and your beautiful words, it really makes me feel warm to know how did someone feel when they read something of mine.

    1. Thank you very much for the reblog, glad you enjoyed the poem! 😀

      1. We promote creativity because we believe that it is relevant for peoples to spread culture, forward… always! ! 😃👍👍

      2. More new comments our blog. Greetings! ! 👍

  7. I love the use of the words “gluttonous theater”; I think it’s my favourite part. I’ve read this several times and a bit like a kaleidoscope, it changes and new meaning can be extracted each time (like a photo that is examined up closely). You do have a special talent with the pen and I always feel like a fly in the wall! I appreciate that you’re willing to share your spectacular love affair with the public. :0) Thanks for that. xo

    1. Thank you very much for your words. I always strive when writing not just to write something that is a piece of me, but to scatter pieces of everyone in the words, so that everytime one reads he will see and glimpse a different part and fragment with a different story.

  8. Ah! I loved it… the images you bring in your words are terrifyingly beautiful.
    “and so I am demurred
    to a single sheet of paper,
    a single silent note
    of a violinist
    who stopped the orchestra
    just to whisper to the gluttonous theater
    of the weariness of the tune;
    so I am but a frog leg
    on the bottom of the Circe’s cauldron
    brewed and served to hands
    that do not yet know
    how to adore the dying.

    I can’t ask for anything more. Wonderful! 🙂

    1. Thank you 😀 I am very happy this part is being the most favourite among people who read, for it was my favourite part when writing 🙂

  9. The salt rubs in
    and hurts the wounds
    giving the freedom of the mind
    to understand the pain as something else
    appreciation of the feeling
    that soothes us in the end.

    Beautiful writing, my dearest. I absolutely adored it.

    1. Thank you for your beautiful words, I feel so happy to have connected with you thanks to WP 😀

  10. Your imagery is incredible. I’m blown away by your work – truly. Hope all is good in your world. Much love and smiles. – Noora

  11. Awesome, Great Post ! ! Greetings 😃👍

    1. Thank you, have a nice day! 😀

      1. A beautiful lady you are :))

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About Me

I don’t mind the sun sometimes,
the images it shows,
I can taste you on my lips
and feel you in my clothes.
Cinnamon and sugary
and softly spoken lies,
you never know just how you look
through other people’s eyes


Colour me in Cayenne & Chlorine Poetry Collection
Suburban Witchcraft Magazine
Colour me in Cyanide and Cherries Poetry Collection

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